IoT connected relay module - 03981


Wiring devices / View Wireless wiring devices / Shared components / Non-modular components

IoT connected relay module
View Wireless connected actuator with NO 100-240 V 50/60 Hz relay output for 500 W incandescent lamps, 100 W LED lamps, 250 VA electronic transformers, 120 W fluorescent lamps, remote control, 1 input for wired control to recall a scenario, double technology with Bluetooth® wireless technology5.0 standard for the realization of View Wireless mesh system and Zigbee 3.0 standard, 100-240 V 50/60 Hz power supply, for flush mounting at the back of the device

  • Configuration from View Wireless App for Bluetooth technology system and Amazon App for Zigbee technology
  • Compatible with Alexa, Google Home and IFTTT, using the dedicated gateway or Zigbee hub
  • The shape fosters maximum flexibility of installation (retrofit, junction boxes, etc.)
  • When operated directly from the battery-free controls, wiring with electro-mechanical push buttons is not necessary

Product Status
3 - Active

Class group
Switching relay
Complete with socket
With detachable clamps
With LED indication
With forced-guided contacts

01. IMQ - Italy

19. NOM - Mexico

29. QCERT - Colombia

37. Marking - Morocco

37. Marking - Morocco

40. Bluetooth technology

42. Zigbee certified

92. RoHS UAE

Minimum order quantity: 1 NR


Barcode Qty 1 NR
1 NR
5.2x3.5x5.3 [cm]
41 [g]
Barcode Qty 60 NR
60 NR
27x23x12.5 [cm]
2,658 [g]
Question: How many devices can I install in a Wireless system?
Answer: The system allows the configuration of a maximum of 64 devices for each gateway code 14597-16497-19597-20597
Question: Which App is dedicated to system configuration?
Answer: The system can be configured using the View Wireless App.
Question: How do you reset the devices?
Answer: Resetting is done by pressing the configuration push button for a prolonged amount of time, which must be done within 5 min of commissioning (powering) the product.
Question: How many Energy meters art.02963 can I install in a Wireless system?
Answer: Each connected system allows a maximum of 2 meters art.02963.
Question: If I use the ZIgBee 3.0 operating mode, with which App do I configure Vimar devices?
Answer: You need to use the VIEW Wireless App to convert the operating mode (Bluetooth by default) into the ZigBee mode of those products that envisage it. Whereas for configuration, use the specific App of the ZigBee gateway system being used (for instance, the Amazon App)
Question: Can the connected 2-way switch art.14592-19492-19592-20592 be used as a 1-way switch for a controlled socket outlet
Answer: No, as a minimum load of 2W is necessary for correct operation. To manage a controlled socket outlet, you can use art. 14593-16493-19593-20593 or art. 03981
Question: How can I fit the relay with the push buttons interrupting neutral and not phase?
Answer: It is strictly necessary to observe the wiring diagrams, so the connection of the push buttons occurs on the phase side. So the only solution possible to integrate the product is to modify the wiring so that the existing push buttons are attached to phase and not to neutral.

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Vimar reserves the right to change at any time and without notice the characteristics of the products reported. Installation should be carried out by qualified staff in compliance with the current regulations regarding the installation of electrical equipment in the country where the products are installed. For the terms of use of the information on the product info sheet see Conditions of Use.