What home automation is?

Smart home pursues the aim of analysing all those technologies that can smarten up the quality of life at home and other buildings.

Not only that. Smart home devices are unique in the range of high-quality performances and opportunities it provides, optimizing consumptions and allowing the integration of different functions like control, comfort, security, energy saving and communication.

Smart home system allows the coordinated management of all devices both in residential and tertiary applications. It differs from the standard application, where functions can be activated with standard controls, unable of interacting or being controlled from a single point.

While potentialities are still increasing, fields of application can be extended to other areas and sectors. The adoption of new technologies in commercial areas and working environments is constantly growing, like for example in specialized studies and clinics.

Smart home is fundamental in helping the elderly and people with disabilities. Home automation in this field has grown a lot lately because it helps the elderly or the disabled people doing also complex actions thanks to personalized automation.


The smart home
