Vimar at the IHIF | International Hotel Investment Forum Berlin
From 1st to 3rd September 2021, Vimar was in Berlin to meet with investors and operators from the hospitality industry. IHIF | International Hotel Investment Forum is an international event comprising seminars and B2B meetings to present the news from the hospitality world and share trends among industry professionals, with the aim of creating partnerships and fostering a relationship that offers concrete and evident advantages.
Indeed, Vimar provides sophisticated solutions for the hospitality sector. Solutions designed to offer guests the very best in comfort and safety, as well as matching styling for all the devices installed, while guaranteeing energy efficiency and total control of the facility.
Every accommodation facility in fact has specific needs to be met during the design, construction, management and maintenance phases. Vimar’s solutions are devised to optimise and automate the functions of any accommodation facility, whatever its size. Built to deliver comfort, safety and energy efficiency, they also offer the very best Italian design and ample scope for customisation.
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