The sustainability of our suppliers
Sustainability is a 360° view in which the supply chain actors are highly interconnected elements. Together with our supply Partners, we build valuable relationships, sharing goals for environmental improvement which we aim to achieve in future together.
Assessment process
To add members to our Supplier List, we rely on a Supplier Self Assessment, a form which allows us to make an initial assessment of a potential partnership. In addition to the ISO 9001 Quality certifications, filling in this form provides clear indications on the part of the supplier regarding the adoption of the code of ethics, the presence of an ISO 14001 Environmental Management system, an ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety system as well as an ISO 50001 Energy Management system.
We also ask that all the certifications be issued by accredited verification and control bodies.
Monitoring over time
During the partnership, we monitor supply performance levels on a monthly and annual basis. An innovative Business Intelligence tool allows us to have the supplier rating in real time, which is calculated not just on Logistics and Quality performance levels, but also on full compliance with the sustainability conditions which underpin the choice made originally.