Our commitment to society
People, environmental friendliness and the bond with the local territory have always been central to our activities. That’s why we work on several fronts, safeguarding the environment surrounding us and the people who live there.
A culture that respects people
We have always believed that people constitute the real drive engine of the company. That’s why we have, over time, implemented a state-of-the-art welfare policy, packed with initiatives and activities, including for instance: free health and insurance cover, special economically favourable arrangements with nurseries, summer placements and study grants for our employees’ children, family days, and involving pensioners in multiple activities. All this has allowed us to win prestigious accolades such as the “Best Performance Award” or the “Welfare Champion”.
Energy in safety. For everyone.
All our products are synonymous with safety. Devised to guarantee total protection for its users, it is the result of tested components, unique patented and guaranteed materials such as the SICURY safety shutter, which has avoided accidental contact with live parts of socket outlets for over 50 years. On the market free of charge since it is considered too important for people’s safety, the patent has become a normative safety standard.
Working in a protected setting
For over 20 years, we have worked according to the strictest regulations, and have obtained a certification both for our environmental management system (ISO 14001) and our occupational health and safety system (ISO 45001).
Recycling opportunities
We have a waste disposal procedure that allows us to recycle almost 80% of waste material. All waste produced inside the company is in fact identified, sorted and handed over to specialist suppliers. 70% of plastic components picked at entry are ground and re-introduced into the production cycle. For product disposal, we are part of the Ecolight collective system in charge of proper collection and subsequent management of waste.
Digital transformation
We are making increasing use of digital technologies to shorten distances, allowing all our employees to benefit from dedicated services (seminars, professional development meetings, remote training) and allowing employees to work from home. As well as to offer our customers a multitude of services provided via our portal.