Minimum security updates period

Product List

CodeDescriptionMinimum security updates period
00447.CC.BMulti-outlet16A 3schuko+4USB+swit.+Wi-Fi3 years from phase-out
00447.CK.BMulti-outlet16A 3DE+4USB+swit.+Wi-Fi+S313 years from phase-out
01410By-me home automation Light Gateway3 years from phase-out
01411By-me home automation Gateway3 years from phase-out
01415Video entry system gateway 2F+3 years from phase-out
01416IP video entry system router3 years from phase-out
01419.1By-me/DALI-2 gateway 64-channel/16groups3 years from phase-out
01420IP 4.3in PoE touch screen 8M black3 years from phase-out
01420.BIP 4.3in PoE touch screen 8M white3 years from phase-out
01420.BNIP 4.3in PoE touch screen 8M neutral3 years from phase-out
01422IP 7in touch screen PoE black3 years from phase-out
01422.BIP 7" touch screen PoE white3 years from phase-out
01425IP 10in touch screen PoE black3 years from phase-out
01468Domotic logic unit3 years from phase-out
01507By-me Plus KNX Secure IP router3 years from phase-out
01547.1KNX IP interface3 years from phase-out
01548KNX IP Secure router3 years from phase-out
01595Well-Contact Suite Management software3 years from phase-out
01993Programming hardware interfaces3 years from phase-out
02080.ABAntibacterial communication unit3 years from phase-out
02081.ABAntibacterial display unit3 years from phase-out
020968-input 8-output electronic board3 years from phase-out
02692IoT connected ceiling radar sensor3 years from phase-out
02912Surf.Wi-Fi connected thermostat white3 years from phase-out
02912.GSurf.Wi-Fi connected thermostat black3 years from phase-out
02913Surface LTE thermostat white3 years from phase-out
02913.GSurface LTE thermostat black3 years from phase-out
02963Monophase IoT energy meter3 years from phase-out
02973IoT dial thermostat 2M grey3 years from phase-out
02973.BIoT dial thermostat 2M white3 years from phase-out
02973.MIoT dial thermostat 2M Metal3 years from phase-out
02973.NIoT dial thermostat 2M Next3 years from phase-out
03808By-alarm Plus extension board 5 In/Out3 years from phase-out
03809By-alarm Plus relay interface board3 years from phase-out
03810By-alarm Plus GSM circuit board3 years from phase-out
03812By-alarm Plus burglar alarm gateway3 years from phase-out
03813By-alarm Plus text-to-speech board3 years from phase-out
03817By-alarm Plus keypad with display3 years from phase-out
03818By-alarm Plus keypad with display+transp3 years from phase-out
03819By-alarm Plus extension 5 In/Out3 years from phase-out
03820By-alarm Plus GSM dial phone3 years from phase-out
03824By-alarm Plus flush-activator 1M3 years from phase-out
03826By-alarm Plus outdoor Bus siren3 years from phase-out
03830By-alarm Plus outdoor RF siren3 years from phase-out
03831By-alarm Plus surface RF interface3 years from phase-out
03832By-alarm Plus RF interface board3 years from phase-out
03833.BBy-alarm Plus RF magn.cont.white3 years from phase-out
03833.MBy-alarm Plus RF magn.cont.brown3 years from phase-out
03834By-alarm Plus RF mini magn.contact3 years from phase-out
03835By-alarm Plus DT RF PET imm.detect.3 years from phase-out
03836By-alarm Plus RF surf.IR detector3 years from phase-out
03837By-alarm Plus RF curtain-ef.IR detect.3 years from phase-out
03839By-alarm Plus surf.RF remote control3 years from phase-out
03840By-alarm Plus RF repeater3 years from phase-out
039752-button voice control+actuator 3M grey2027-11-30
03975.B2-button voice control+actuator 3M white2027-11-30
03975.M2-button voice control+actuator 3M Metal2027-11-30
03975.N2-button voice control+actuator 3M Next2027-11-30
03980Connected magnetic contact3 years from phase-out
03981IoT connected relay module3 years from phase-out
03982IoT connected roller shutter module3 years from phase-out
09179IoT connected radar sensor 1M white3 years from phase-out
09179.CMIoT connected radar sensor 1M carbon mat3 years from phase-out
09462Connected NFC/RFID outer switch white3 years from phase-out
09462.CMConnected NFC/RFID outer switch carbon m3 years from phase-out
09467Connected NFC/RFID switch white3 years from phase-out
09467.CMConnected NFC/RFID switch carbon matt3 years from phase-out
09473IoT dial thermostat 2M white3 years from phase-out
09473.CMIoT dial thermostat 2M carbon matt3 years from phase-out
09591.0IoT connected device mechanism3 years from phase-out
09592Connected 2-way switch white3 years from phase-out
09592.2Connected 2-way switch 2M white3 years from phase-out
09592.2.CMConnected 2-way switch 2M carbon matt3 years from phase-out
09592.CMConnected 2-way switch carbon matt3 years from phase-out
0959316 A IoT connected actuator white3 years from phase-out
09593.CM16 A IoT connected actuator carbon matt3 years from phase-out
09594.0Rolling shutter IoT connected mechanism3 years from phase-out
09595.0IoT connected dimmer mechanism 220-240V3 years from phase-out
09595.0.120IoT connected dimmer mechanism 120V3 years from phase-out
09597IoT connected gateway 2M white3 years from phase-out
09597.CMIoT connected gateway 2M carbon matt3 years from phase-out
0K01410.01Room basic kit - GRMS IP By-me3 years from phase-out
0K03831By-alarm Plus kit for RF extension3 years from phase-out
0K14597.01Gateway 2M DIN rail white3 years from phase-out
0K19592.01Zigbee2-way switch kit ArkéClassic white3 years from phase-out
0K19592.02Zigbee2-way switch kit ArkéClassic black3 years from phase-out
13A4.BAudio unit 2F+ keypad white LED steel3 years from phase-out
13A4.B.43Audio unit 2F+ keypad white LED gold3 years from phase-out
13A7.BA/V unit 2F+ keypad white LED steel3 years from phase-out
13A7.B.43A/V unit 2F+ keypad white LED gold3 years from phase-out
13F1Audio entrance panel Due Fili unit3 years from phase-out
13F2.1Due Fili Plus A/V unit3 years from phase-out
13F38-button audio ent. panel Due Fili unit3 years from phase-out
13F3.BAudio unit 2F+ 8-button white LED3 years from phase-out
13F4Steel keypad audio Due Fili unit3 years from phase-out
13F4.BAudio unit 2F+ keypad white LED steel3 years from phase-out
13F58-button colour ent. panel Due Fili unit3 years from phase-out
13F5.BA/V unit 2F+ 8-button white LED3 years from phase-out
13F7Steel keypad colour Due Fili unit3 years from phase-out
13F7.BA/V unit 2F+ keypad white LED steel3 years from phase-out
14179IoT connected radar sensor 1M white3 years from phase-out
14179.SLIoT connected radar sensor 1M Silver3 years from phase-out
14462Connected RFID outer switch white3 years from phase-out
14462.SLConnected RFID outer switch Silver3 years from phase-out
14467Connected NFC/RFID switch white3 years from phase-out
14467.SLConnected NFC/RFID switch Silver3 years from phase-out
14591.0IoT connected device mechanism3 years from phase-out
14592.02-way switch IoT connected mechanism3 years from phase-out
14593Connected actuator 16A white3 years from phase-out
14593.SLConnected actuator 16A Silver3 years from phase-out
14594.0Rolling shutter IoT connected mechanism3 years from phase-out
14595.0IoT connected dimmer mechanism 220-240V3 years from phase-out
14595.0.120IoT connected dimmer mechanism 120V3 years from phase-out
14597IoT connected gateway 2M white3 years from phase-out
14597.SLIoT connected gateway 2M Silver3 years from phase-out
16492Connected 2-way switch grey3 years from phase-out
16492.BConnected 2-way switch white3 years from phase-out
16493Connected actuator 16A grey3 years from phase-out
16493.B16 A connected actuator white3 years from phase-out
16494Connected roller shutter actuator grey3 years from phase-out
16494.BConnected roller shutter actuator white3 years from phase-out
16497Connected gateway 2M grey3 years from phase-out
16497.BConnected gateway 2M white3 years from phase-out
16629IoT connected radar sensor 1M grey3 years from phase-out
16629.BIoT connected radar sensor 1M white3 years from phase-out
19179IoT connected radar sensor 1M grey3 years from phase-out
19179.BIoT connected radar sensor 1M white3 years from phase-out
19179.MIoT connected radar sensor 1M Metal3 years from phase-out
19462Connected RFID outer switch grey3 years from phase-out
19462.BConnected RFID outer switch white3 years from phase-out
19462.MConnected RFID outer switch Metal3 years from phase-out
19467Connected NFC/RFID switch grey3 years from phase-out
19467.BConnected NFC/RFID switch white3 years from phase-out
19467.MConnected NFC/RFID switch Metal3 years from phase-out
19591.0IoT connected device mechanism3 years from phase-out
19592.02-way switch IoT connected mechanism3 years from phase-out
1959316 A IoT connected actuator grey3 years from phase-out
19593.B16 A IoT connected actuator white3 years from phase-out
19593.M16 A IoT connected actuator Metal3 years from phase-out
19594.0Rolling shutter IoT connected mechanism3 years from phase-out
19595.0IoT connected dimmer mechanism 220-240V3 years from phase-out
19595.0.120IoT connected dimmer mechanism 120V3 years from phase-out
19597IoT connected gateway 2M grey3 years from phase-out
19597.BIoT connected gateway 2M white3 years from phase-out
19597.MIoT connected gateway 2M Metal3 years from phase-out
20179IoT connected radar sensor 1M grey3 years from phase-out
20179.BIoT connected radar sensor 1M white3 years from phase-out
20179.NIoT connected radar sensor 1M Next3 years from phase-out
20462Connected RFID outer switch grey3 years from phase-out
20462.BConnected RFID outer switch white3 years from phase-out
20462.NConnected RFID outer switch Next3 years from phase-out
20467Connected NFC/RFID switch grey3 years from phase-out
20467.BConnected NFC/RFID switch white3 years from phase-out
20467.NConnected NFC/RFID switch Next3 years from phase-out
20591.0IoT connected device mechanism3 years from phase-out
20592.02-way switch IoT connected mechanism3 years from phase-out
2059316 A IoT connected actuator grey3 years from phase-out
20593.B16 A IoT connected actuator white3 years from phase-out
20593.N16 A IoT connected actuator Next3 years from phase-out
20594.0Rolling shutter IoT connected mechanism3 years from phase-out
20595.0IoT connected dimmer mechanism 220-240V3 years from phase-out
20595.0.120IoT connected dimmer mechanism 120V3 years from phase-out
20597IoT connected gateway 2M grey3 years from phase-out
20597.BIoT connected gateway 2M white3 years from phase-out
20597.NIoT connected gateway 2M Next3 years from phase-out
21848.1Touch screen KNX 4,3in Full Flat grey3 years from phase-out
21848.1.BTouch screen KNX 4,3in Full Flat white3 years from phase-out
21848.1.BNTouch screen KNX 4,3in Full Flat neutr3 years from phase-out
30179.BIoT connected radar sensor 1M white3 years from phase-out
30179.CIoT connected radar sensor 1M Canvas3 years from phase-out
30179.GIoT connected radar sensor 1M black3 years from phase-out
30801IoT connected mechanism3 years from phase-out
30802IoT connected 2-way switch mechanism3 years from phase-out
30803.B16A IoT connected actuator white3 years from phase-out
30803.C16A IoT connected actuator canvas3 years from phase-out
30803.G16A IoT connected actuator black3 years from phase-out
30804IoT roller shutter control mechanism3 years from phase-out
30805IoT connected dimmer mechanism3 years from phase-out
30805.120IoT connected dimmer mechanism 120V3 years from phase-out
30807.BIoT connected Gateway 2M white3 years from phase-out
30807.CIoT connected Gateway 2M canvas3 years from phase-out
30807.GIoT connected Gateway 2M black3 years from phase-out
30810.BIoT dial thermostat 2M white3 years from phase-out
30810.CIoT dial thermostat 2M canvas3 years from phase-out
30810.GIoT dial thermostat 2M black3 years from phase-out
30812.BIoT connected RFID reader white3 years from phase-out
30812.CIoT connected RFID reader canvas3 years from phase-out
30812.GIoT connected RFID reader black3 years from phase-out
30813.BIoT connected NFC/RFID pocket white3 years from phase-out
30813.CIoT connected NFC/RFID pocket canvas3 years from phase-out
30813.GIoT connected NFC/RFID pocket black3 years from phase-out
30815.B2-button voice control+actuator 3M white2027-11-30
30815.C2-button voice control+actuat.3M canvas2027-11-30
30815.G2-button voice control+actuat.3M black2027-11-30
40131Audio electronic unit 2F+3 years from phase-out
40135Audio/Video unit 2F+3 years from phase-out
40164Analogue interface 2F+ DIN3 years from phase-out
40165Riserless IP gateway3 years from phase-out
40166Lift Interface IP3 years from phase-out
40170A/V wide-angle entrance plate 4B access3 years from phase-out
40404Pixel Up entr.panel+hole2F+ stainl.steel3 years from phase-out
40404.05Pixel Up A/V entrance panel 2F+ 4x4 blac3 years from phase-out
40404.06Pixel Up A/V entrance panel 2F+ 4x4 cham3 years from phase-out
40404.07Pixel Up A/V entrance panel 2F+ 4x4 copp3 years from phase-out
40404.08Pixel Up A/V entrance panel 2F+ 4x4 blac3 years from phase-out
40405Pixel Up entrance panel 2F+ stainl.steel3 years from phase-out
40405.05Pixel Up A/V entrance panel 2F+ black me3 years from phase-out
40405.06Pixel Up A/V entrance panel 2F+ champagn3 years from phase-out
40405.07Pixel Up A/V entrance panel 2F+ copper3 years from phase-out
40405.08Pixel Up entrance panel 2F+ black painte3 years from phase-out
40414Pixel Up entr.panel 4x4reader years from phase-out
40414.05Pixel Up A/V entrance panel IP4x4 black3 years from phase-out
40414.06Pixel Up A/V entrance panel IP 4x4 champ3 years from phase-out
40414.07Pixel Up A/V entrance panel IP4x4 copper3 years from phase-out
40414.08Pixel Up A/V entrance panel IP 4x4 black3 years from phase-out
40414.SPixel Up entr.panel 4x4-hole years from phase-out
40415IP Pixel Up entrance panel stain.steel3 years from phase-out
40415.05Pixel Up entrance panel IP black metal3 years from phase-out
40415.06Pixel Up A/V entrance panel IP champagne3 years from phase-out
40415.07Pixel Up A/V entrance panel IP copper3 years from phase-out
40415.08Pixel Up A/V entrance panel IP black pai3 years from phase-out
40415.SPixel UP A/V entrance panel SIP stain.st3 years from phase-out
40424Pixel UP audio entrance panel 2F+ 4x4 ho3 years from phase-out
40425Pixel UP audio entrance panel 2F+3 years from phase-out
40505Tab 7 2F+ hands-free video entryph.white3 years from phase-out
40510Porter switchboard 7in DueFiliPlus black3 years from phase-out
40515Tab5SUp video entryphone 2F+ Wi-Fi whit3 years from phase-out
40515.04Tab5SUp video entryphone 2F+ Wi-Fi black3 years from phase-out
40517Tab7S Up video entryphone 2F+ Wi-Fi whit3 years from phase-out
40517.04Tab7S Up video entryphone 2F+ Wi-Fi blac3 years from phase-out
40540Voxie interphone 2F+ handset+2-butt.whit3 years from phase-out
40540.DVoxie interphone 2F+ handset+2-butt.whit3 years from phase-out
40542Voxie interphone 2F+ handset+6-butt.whit3 years from phase-out
40547Voxie interphone 2F+ 7-button white3 years from phase-out
40605Tab 7 IP hands-free video entryph.white3 years from phase-out
40607Tab 7S IP hands-free video entryph.white3 years from phase-out
40610.SSIP 7in inner unit3 years from phase-out
406362-relay-input/output IP device3 years from phase-out
40638Licence management device3 years from phase-out
41000Due Fili Plus audio unit3 years from phase-out
410022F+ audioteleloop IN video unit3 years from phase-out
410052F+ A/V wide-angle teleloop unit3 years from phase-out
41006.1IP A/V wide-angle teleloop unit3 years from phase-out
41007A/V SIP umit Teleloop wide-angle3 years from phase-out
4101110-button expansion module3 years from phase-out
41015Name-plate entrance panel3 years from phase-out
41017Transponder reader3 years from phase-out
410183,5in display3 years from phase-out
41019Keypad f/A/V module3 years from phase-out
41020Access control keypad3 years from phase-out
41022RFID reader fort 4x4 hole3 years from phase-out
4621.028BABullet IR IP 2Mpx cam - 2.8mm A.V.2027-03-31
4621.028EAIP Bullet cam 5Mpx -2,8mm Mic A.V.2027-03-31
4621.028FSABullet IP 8Mpx cam - 2.8mm A.V.2027-03-31
4621.2812BAIP IR Bullet cam 2Mpx -2,8-12mm A.V.2027-03-31
4621.2812DAIP Bullet cam 4Mpx -2,8-12mm A.V.2027-03-31
4621.2812DDTIP Bullet cam - 4Mpx 2,8-12mm Det. Plus2027-03-31
4621.2812EAEIP Bullet cam - 5Mpx 2,8-12mm mot A.V Pl2027-03-31
4621.2812ESAIP Bullet cam-5Mpx 2,8-12mm mot.Mic A.V2027-03-31
4621.2812FMAIP Bullet cam 8Mpx -2,8-12mm A.V.2027-03-31
4621.2812LPRLPR IP Bullet 2Mpx - 2,8-12mm2027-03-31
4622.028BAIP IR Dome cam - 2Mpx 2,8mm Mic A.V.2027-03-31
4622.028EAIP Dome cam - 5Mpx FF 2,8mm Mic2027-03-31
4622.028FSAIP Dome cam 8Mpx -2,8mm Mic A.V.2027-03-31
4622.2812BADome IR IP 2Mpx cam - 2,8-12mm Mic A.V.2027-03-31
4622.2812DAIP Dome cam 4Mpx -2,8-12mm Mic A.V.2027-03-31
4622.2812EAEIP Dome cam 5Mpx -2,8-12mm A.V Plus2027-03-31
4622.2812ESAIP Dome cam 5Mpx -2,8-12mm mot. Mic2027-03-31
4622.2812FKAIP Dome cam 8Mpx -2,8-12mm IK10 A.V Plus2027-03-31
4622.2812FMAIP Dome cam 8Mpx -2,8-12mm Mic A.V2027-03-31
46235.025DIP Speed Dome cam-4Mpx 25x 160m IR A.V.2027-03-31
4624.028EAEIP MiniDome cam - 5Mpx FF 2,8mm IK10 Plu2027-03-31
46240.024BWi-Fi 3Mpx battery-cam 3.2mm 135° view3 years from phase-out
46242.036CAdditional camera for 46KIT.036C kit3 years from phase-out
46243.030BWi-Fi PT 1080p battery-cam 3mm 130° view3 years from phase-out
46KIT.028DCKit IP 4CH PoE 4 Mpx FF Color2027-03-31
46KIT.028ENKit IP 4CH PoE 5 Mpx FF H.265+cam NDAA2027-03-31
46KIT.036CWi-Fi TVCC kit - 3Mpx+2Bullet cams 3.6mm3 years from phase-out
46KIT.2812DCKit IP 8CH PoE 4 Mpx VF Color2027-03-31
46KIT.2812ENKit IP 8CH PoE 5 Mpx VF H.265+ cam NDAA2027-03-31
46NVR.04PSN4-chan.NVR PoE 6Mpx H.265s HDD 1TB NDAA2027-03-31
46NVR.08PN8-chan.NVR PoE 8Mpx H.265s HDD 1TB NDAA2027-03-31
46NVR.08PSN8-ch.NVR PoE 6Mpx H.265s HDD 1TB NDAA2027-03-31
46NVR.16PN16-chan.NVR PoE 8Mpx H.265s HDD 2TB NDAA2027-03-31
46NVR.3232-channel H.265 NVR - HDD 2TB2027-03-31
46NVR.32NNVR 32Ch 12Mpx H.265s HDD 2TB NDAA2027-03-31
46NVR.64N64-channel NVR - H.265s 16Mpx NDAA2027-03-31
692S.12F separator3 years from phase-out
6931Audio entrance panel Due Fili unit3 years from phase-out
69AM/TVideo selector for 4 cameras3 years from phase-out
69DMDue Fili pillar Digibus back interface3 years from phase-out
69DM.ENDue Fili pillar Digibus back interface3 years from phase-out
69PHProgrammable device with 2 relays3 years from phase-out
69RS.1Extension interface PI2003 years from phase-out
7509Tab interphone with handset, white3 years from phase-out
7509/DTab h-o-h interphone w/handset, white3 years from phase-out
7509/MEntryphone kit 1/2-Fam.2F+Tab jr+13F13 years from phase-out
7548Tab 4.3 without intercom3 years from phase-out
75494.3in Tab monitor w/handset white3 years from phase-out
7558Video entryphone Tab Free 4,3 2F+ white3 years from phase-out
7558/EVideo kit 2F+ 1-Fam. Tab 4.3 hands-free3 years from phase-out
7559Video entryphone Tab Free 4.3 2F+ white3 years from phase-out
K40170.01Roxie single-family basic kit3 years from phase-out
K40505.RTab7 w+40170 1/2-Fam. video entry kit3 years from phase-out
K40505G.01Video kit 1/2-Fam.Tab 7+410053 years from phase-out
K40515.EVideo kit 1-Fam.Tab 5S Up Wi-Fi +1300E3 years from phase-out
K40515.RTab5SUp Wi-Fi +40170 1/2-Fam. video kit3 years from phase-out
K40515G.01Video kit 1/2-Fam.Tab 5S Up Wi-Fi +410053 years from phase-out
K40517.EVideo kit 1-Fam.Tab 7S Up Wi-Fi +1300E3 years from phase-out
K40517.RTab7SUp Wi-Fi +40170 1/2-Fam. video kit3 years from phase-out
K40517G.01Video kit 1/2-Fam.Tab 7S Up Wi-Fi +410053 years from phase-out
K40540.EVoxie Entryph.kit 2F+ 1-fam. 40540+401413 years from phase-out
K40542.EEntryphone kit 2F+ 1-fam. 40542+401413 years from phase-out
K40547.E1-family audio kit Voxie 40547+401413 years from phase-out
K40607.01Tab7S w+41006 1-Fam. IP video entry kit3 years from phase-out
K409457in TS Wi-Fi video kit 1F multiplug3 years from phase-out
K409467in TS Wi-Fi video kit 2F multiplug3 years from phase-out
K409477in TS Wi-Fi monitor multiplug3 years from phase-out
K409557in TS Wi-Fi video kit 1F DIN supply un.3 years from phase-out
K409567in TS Wi-Fi video kit 2F DIN supply un.3 years from phase-out
K409577in TS Wi-Fi monitor DIN supply un.3 years from phase-out
K40960Wi-Fi video doorbell kit+plug-in supply3 years from phase-out
K40965Wi-Fi video doorbell kit+DIN supply unit3 years from phase-out
K41007.011-button Pixel A/V-entrance panel SIP3 years from phase-out
K41007.022-button Pixel A/V-entrance panel SIP3 years from phase-out
K41007.031-button Pixel Heavy A/V-entr.panel SIP3 years from phase-out
K41007.042-button Pixel Heavy A/V-entr.panel SIP3 years from phase-out
K429457in TS Wi-Fi video kit RFID 1F multiplug3 years from phase-out
K42946Video Kit 7in WiFi 1F RFID multi-plug3 years from phase-out
K429477in TS Wi-Fi monitor multiplug3 years from phase-out
K429557in TS Wi-Fi video kit 1F RFIDDIN supply3 years from phase-out
K429567in TS Wi-Fi video kit RFID2F DIN-supply3 years from phase-out
K429577in TS Wi-Fi monitor DIN supply un.3 years from phase-out
K7549.RVideokit 2F+ expand.Tab 4,3in+401703 years from phase-out
K7559.RVideokit 2F+ expand.TabFree 4,3in+401703 years from phase-out
K7559G.01Video entry kit 1-Fam.2F+ TabFree 4,33 years from phase-out