Connected dimmer

Control of lights and consumption levels, a topical and possible combination.

The connected dimmers, which supplement the range of the View Wireless system, manage your home lighting in a smarter way, while at the same time allowing you to obtain the appropriate degree of lighting depending on the circumstances, all under the banner of comfort and maximum savings.

Dimmer connesso Eikon VimarDimmer connesso Eikon Vimar

The dimmers, like the rest of Vimar’s range of smart devices, stand out for the double Bluetooth mesh and Zigbee radio protocol: the connectivity protocol with Bluetooth wireless technology 5.0 standard allows the integration of these devices in the View Wireless mesh system allowing you to create a network, which thanks to the Wi-Fi gateway as the access point enables supervision via App and integration via cloud for the control from all the main voice assistants (Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Apple HomeKit).

The connected devices can be configured simply and quickly using the View Wireless programming App and can be controlled by the user using the View App.

If there is an Amazon Alexa smart speaker with Zigbee protocol in the home, the new dimmers can also be voice controlled using the Amazon Alexa App, once their pre-loaded configuration has been adjusted. A basic yet top-performing solution to call up scenarios and/or to control lights, roller shutters or actuators vocally.

The connected dimmers can also be used as 1-way switches, should there not be any dimmable lamps present at the time of installation. They are available for the Eikon, Linea, Arké, Plana series and for Idea with a dedicated mounting frame.

Dimmer connesso ArkéDimmer connesso Arké

In terms of installation, their connection is extremely simple because they use 3 wires with 1 input for additional push button for remote control; they require simple configuration and offer outstanding flexibility for the management of parameters (e.g. LE/TE mode, minimum adjustment, LED behaviour at restart, etc.).

These devices are the result of Vimar’s technology which avoids energy wastage and makes lighting management of all settings simpler and more convenient, because being aware of correct energy usage has never been so important.

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